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finding the right fit

Developing, trying, and choosing an identity is a long, arduous process. Argueably, this process never ends. By the time I start teaching, I will still be in the process of finding my own identity. Like the picture of the Minifig, there are countless different identities to try and discover. Some we will notice fit perfectly, while others just aren't quite right. No matter the case, my main role as an educator in helping adolescents develop their identities is to be supportive and understanding. I will support my students in their choices, understanding that they will ultimately choose what is best for them. I will also act with understanding, remembering what it was like for myself as a teen to struggle with my identity. 


I found this short film recently and I thought it fit well with this topic. I think it accurately describes a lot of the topics convered in this course but specifically deals with adolescent identity. The video encourages teens to try new identities and discover life "beyond the dark wall." Often, teens will hide behind what is popular or behave in a certain way so as to be admitted to a group. This short film tells teens to be critical of the masks they wear, the identities they assume, and to be comfortable with themselves, whoever that may be. 


An important part of finding out who you are is exploration. Discussed in topic one, exploration is an important aspect in the development of an adolescent. As a teacher, I want to not only facilitate, but encourage my students to explore. In the classroom, they will learn to explore and challenge concepts, which I hope will translate into identity exploration. 

What do you view as your main role as a teacher in helping adolescents develop identity and morality?

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